Ideas to Inspire Your Farm Diversification This Year

It’s the start of the new year. You may be thinking “what can I do to drive my farming business forward in 2022?”. Whilst considering the various things you’d like to do, perhaps farm diversification was a priority? A valuable way of gaining resilience in an otherwise volatile industry, farm diversification covers an abundance of […]

Farm Diversification & Generational Relationships Within the Family Farm

The Agricultural Transition Plan mentions intended support to new entrants through the lump sum exit scheme and funding for new land access channels. However, this support for new entrants is largely unclarified at this stage. Therefore, many young people interested in rural business will look towards there family farm. As the agricultural industry evolves, it […]

Farm Diversification on Tenanted Farms

The tiered reduction of Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) subsidies and the ongoing lack of clarity surrounding the Environmental Land Management subsidy grow increasingly prevalent as time progresses towards 2027. As a result, non-agricultural income in the form of diversification appears to be increasingly appealing as a means of reducing financial risk. Owner-occupied farms, obviously, are […]

The Farm Business Innovation Show – Only 5 Days Away!

The Farm Innovation Show 2021 is just 5 days away, starting at 10am on Wednesday 10th November. We’ve been urging everyone within rural and agricultural business to attend! Make sure you take a day to attend, to ensure you are inspired and well equipped to diversify your own business. Free tickets are still available, get yours […]

Commercial Rentals – Regulation & Legislation

Often, the go to diversification on farm is commercial rentals. Many farms have under-utilised buildings no longer required for the agricultural operation. But how do you ensure the conversion and rental of these buildings remains legal and above board? Read on for an insight! Is commercial lettings the right enterprise for you and your farm? […]

Common Fatal Implicit Assumptions People Make When Starting a New Business Venture

Sadly, 20% of start-up businesses fail within the first year operation and 60% fail within the first 3 years. This is average across all industries. We’ve done our best to provide a comprehensive list of things to consider when planning your next diversification, to ensure you don’t fall foul of this statistic! So why exactly […]