Top 2022 Consumer Trends

Like any business across any sector, it is important that farm diversification is targeted towards the consumer. Consumer trends continue to change, with a significant shift in focus being brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate change crisis and advances in digitalisation. To remain relevant and sustain sales, businesses must tailor their services to […]

Selling Added Value Products – Advantages and Challenges

Farm diversification is often thought of as the creation of enterprises which do not involve farming. Since UK famers are largely passionate about farming, many may be reluctant or disinterested in non agricultural business ventures. However, there may be opportunities to enable additional or increased income streams through or alongside existing farming enterprises. Read on […]

Bridge to Opportunity

Many farms and estates struggle with access when considering the development of diversification enterprises. It’s easy to write off a prospective venture due to poor access or similar. However, often with some strategic blue-sky thinking, the true potential of your site can be unlocked. Contact us  today for a free, no obligations initial consultation regarding […]

GPDO Guide – Where are they permitted?

Frequently, we are asked about permitted development and change of use on farm. However, a common misunderstanding is where permitted development rights apply, particularly if the site is situated in an area with a statutory designation. Luckily, we have created a simple table, displaying all statutory designations and respective planning class restrictions. The above table […]

3 Reasons Now Is a Good Time to Diversify… If You Haven’t Already

It’s common knowledge that due to the uncertain future of agricultural policy, increasingly volatile commodity markets and rising input costs, many farmers are looking towards alternative opportunities and income streams. An additional concern for the UK agricultural industry is the decrease in demand for meat and dairy products caused by intense focus on climate change […]